Friday, October 13, 2006

The Andy Xie Incident

"In a different world we need to find a niche for ourselves, little corners where in spite of our small size we can perform a role which will be useful to the world. To do that, you will need people at the top, decision-makers who have got foresight, good minds, who are open to ideas, who can seize opportunities like we did. ... My job really was to find my successors. I found them, they are there; their job is to find their successors. So there must be this continuous renewal of talented, dedicated, honest, able people who will do things not for themselves but for their people and for their country. If they can do that, they will carry on for another one generation and so it goes on. The moment that breaks, it's gone."

~~ Lee Kuan Yew, in an interview with CCTV on June 12 2005, stressed the need to have a continuous renewal of talent in the country's leadership.

Mr Wang gets a step ahead of me in seeing something interesting in the recent news. You can catch a glimpse here.

Back in July 2006, there was an unflattering article on our country's state in becoming a regional/global financial hub. The point is revisited in one of our neighbour's news interactive website this month.

A leaked email message from AsiaPacific economist Andy Xie, critical of our little island economic progress for past decade, might have sparked the community attention on the issue. A few people, including Andy himself, lost their jobs as an aftermath.

We are not so sure if his comments come with a tinge of nationalistic sentiment. However there is no smoke without a fire and this article (take note of the 8th paragraph) in a South Korean internet news could give an idea of how far off is Andy's parting shot.

Term I learnt today:

Money laundering

is the practice of engaging in financial transactions in order to conceal the identity, source and destination of the money in question.


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